DMTN-120: Improving Extensibility in afw.image.Exposure and Replacing

  • Krzysztof Findeisen and
  • Jim Bosch

Latest Revision: 2019-10-25

1   The Problem

Since about 2013, a handful of poor/expedient design decisions in lsst.afw have been slowly compounding. A full history of the situation can be found in a Community post. To summarize,

  • We use the lsst.afw.image.Exposure class throughout the code base to aggregate instances of all of the classes that characterize an image - PSFs, WCSs, aperture corrections, photometric calibrations, etc.
  • Because Exposure holds those components via direct C++ composition, they need to live either in lsst.afw.image or in a package it depends on.
  • Because these components are written to and read from disk via the (C++) persistence framework, they are doubly-required to be implemented in C++, and they also need to live in either lsst.afw.table or a package that depends on it.

The net result is that a large fraction of our classes must:

  • live in afw itself, leading to churn and bloat at the bottom of our dependency tree, and hence frequent, slow, rebuilds;
  • be implemented in C++, a language much more complex and much less familiar to most of our developers than Python.

Furthermore, the circular dependency between the lsst.afw.image and lsst.afw.table subpackages makes the build and particular the Python import order for afw fragile, leading to hard-to-debug and even harder-to-fix bugs whenever a new Exposure-component class is added.

A related problem is that was never intended to be a long-term or general persistence solution.[1] It lacks any kind of built-in support for versioning, produces opaque and sometimes inefficient files, involves a lot of boilerplate to use, and is built on top of a bespoke C++ library (lsst.afw.table itself) that presents a maintenance challenge and has I/O performance problems. None of these limitations represents a particularly acute problem (we have managed to work around all of them for a while now), but as a persistence framework more or less specifies the on-disk format, significant (i.e., backwards incompatible) changes will become progressively harder to make as we approach operations.

[1] was written to enable writing CoaddPsf objects into FITS files on an HSC data release deadline, with the expectation that it would later be replaced by the Data Access Team. That “Data Access” has since been reinterpreted to mean only science user data access (i.e., not pipeline data access or data access middleware), and the hence the responsibility for persistence frameworks has fallen through the cracks.

2   Overview

We’ve taken the following actions to mitigate the design problems imposed by Exposure and to prepare for future work:

  • Add a new heterogeneous-type mapping interface and implementation in C++, GenericMap. This is an alternative to rather than a replacement of our existing PropertySet and PropertyList to avoid their behavioral idiosyncrasies (especially with respect to vector-valued entries) and to provide natural interfaces in both C++ and Python (e.g., the API). We also recognize that attempting to change the behavior of the existing classes at this stage would be extremely disruptive.
  • Define an interface, Storable, for objects that can be held by GenericMap. This includes basic functionality like stringification, comparisons, and cloning as well as persistence (currently still via
  • Rewrite lsst.afw.image.ExposureInfo (which holds the non-image components of Exposure) to hold its components as a map (originally a GenericMap, later replaced with a more specialized type), allowing any Storable to be attached to an Exposure. This allows Exposure components to be defined in any package downstream of afw (but still need to be implemented in C++ and use

To go further, and allow Python-implemented Exposure components, we need to replace as the way Storables are persisted, preferably using a third-party persistence library as much as possible. We finish with a brief review of some candidate libraries.

3   The Design of GenericMap

While the current implementation of ExposureInfo no longer uses GenericMap, developing this class was a significant part of our ExposureInfo-related work. In addition, we believe that LSST developers can learn from both the solutions we found and the mistakes we made in developing GenericMap.

3.1   Rationale

We wished to implement ExposureInfo using a map (string keys to object values) to decouple it from the details of what information is associated with an exposure. Doing so allows ExposureInfo to store objects of classes unknown to afw, and allows ExposureInfo to be extended by pipeline or third-party packages without changing its code. This concept requires some standardization of keys, but no more so than, for example, FITS header keywords.

Our original plan involved a heterogeneous map (i.e., one that stores values of multiple formal types), in order to support appending completely arbitrary metadata to an Exposure, possibly including primitive types. The LSST stack previously had at least three heterogeneous map types in C++: lsst.daf.base.PropertySet, lsst.daf.base.PropertyList, and lsst.pex.policy.Policy (deprecated). However, all these types are specialized for particular roles (e.g., PropertyList is designed to represent FITS headers), and mix heterogeneous mapping with other functions. As a result, these classes are difficult to adapt to new use cases. In addition, the lack of a common code base makes these classes difficult to maintain, and the limited type safety makes these classes easy to use incorrectly from both C++ and Python. GenericMap attempted to not only serve as a suitable back-end for ExposureInfo, but also address the design problems that prevented the use of PropertySet in the first place.

Currently, lsst.afw.typehandling.GenericMap is a component of afw because it depends, indirectly, on the framework. However, lsst.afw.typehandling has no other dependencies on afw. Once object persistence is decoupled from, the entire subpackage can be moved to a lower level in the Stack and GenericMap can be treated as a fundamental LSST type.

3.2   Design Goals

We designed and implemented GenericMap while striving to obey the following principles:

  • provide both a C++ and a Python API for GenericMap, although it is unlikely that many Python users will use GenericMap directly, rather through classes such as ExposureInfo.
  • support storage of primitive types, as well as LSST classes written in either C++ or Python.
  • provide C++ and Python APIs that are as idiomatic as possible in their respective languages, making full use of pybind11’s ability to serve as an API adapter.
  • do not provide any features beyond a heterogeneous mapping with simple set-get behavior. The single responsibility makes GenericMap suitable as a back-end for a variety of applications, including more ornate mapping types like PropertySet.
  • provide separate interface (GenericMap and MutableGenericMap) and implementation classes. An abstract interface makes it easy to create mappings that require specific properties (as PropertySet and PropertyList do) without breaking code for other users, following the open-closed principle. Most code based on GenericMap can be agnostic to the implementation class.
  • rely on compile-time type safety as much as possible, with safeguards preventing invalid element retrieval in C++ and spurious type errors in Python.
  • allow element retrieval without knowing the exact type as which it was stored, so long as the conversion is valid (e.g., superclass vs. subclass, or different sizes of floating-point number). Supporting inexact types is not only user-friendly, it avoids unnecessary coupling between code changes at the points of storage and retrieval (which may be in different packages).

3.3   The GenericMap and MutableGenericMap APIs

The design of GenericMap is based on some preliminary design work by J. Bosch and on a similar class that K. Findeisen wrote in Java. The design ended up a hybrid of the two concepts, with a number of compromises to work in a mixture of C++, Python, and pybind11.

While GenericMap was originally conceived as a class that could store values of any type, this proved incompatible with the need for a pybind11 wrapper and the desire for an idiomatic Python API. In particular, unless __getitem__ takes type information as part of its input, it needs a finite set of types it can test in C++ (the current implementation does so implicitly through a pybind11 wrapper for boost::variant). The final GenericMap supports values of built-in types as well as Storable, an interface that can be added as a mixin to any LSST class.

Inspired by the Python distinction between Mapping and MutableMapping, we provide separate interfaces for reading (GenericMap) and writing (MutableGenericMap).

3.3.1   C++

The C++ API is loosely based on the standard library mapping interface (taken as the intersection of the C++14 APIs for std::map and std::unordered_map). GenericMap omits standard methods that would have paradoxical or surprising behavior when generalized to heterogeneous values, such as the new element created by operator[] when a key does not match.

The first level of type-safety is provided by a lsst::afw::typehandling::Key class template, which combines a nominal key (e.g., a string) with the required type of the value. Key objects are lightweight values, and can be passed around or created on the fly as easily as the underlying key type.

The original design for GenericMap called for the map to expose public method templates (e.g., void set(Key<K, T> const &, T const &)) that would provide compile-time type safety. Since method templates cannot be overridden in C++, these public templates would be implemented in terms of protected methods (e.g., void _set(Key<K, Storable> const &, Storable const &)), which subclasses could use to define how the key-value pairs are stored and managed.

Prototyping revealed that this design had several major issues:

  1. The process of delegating calls to a protected non-template method would strip away any information about which subclass of Storable was being stored. A careless implementation would make it legal to store a SkyWcs object and then ask for it as a Psf, or vice versa.
  2. An implementation of __getitem__ would need to explicitly enumerate and test all possible value types, particularly all subclasses of Storable. This would, at the very least, introduce elaborate pybind11 code that would need to be kept in sync with the class definition, but would not have an obvious failure mode if the two files diverged.
  3. The protected API would require multiple methods per supported type, including integers, floating point numbers, strings, and Storable (and const/non-const and value/smart pointer variants thereof). This would impose an enormous writing and maintenance burden on subclass authors.

We tried several solutions that would still let us use a heterogeneous map. One of the simplest was to drop the use of separate interface and implementation classes, and with it the need to delegate to specialized protected methods. However, we did not pursue this approach because it did not solve the problem of how to implement __getitem__, and the eventual solution to that problem made an interface-oriented design acceptable again.

One option to implement __getitem__ without hard-coding a list of value types was to design Key objects to allow retrieval by superclasses of the desired type. However, we could not find a satisfactory implementation of this approach in C++. While it is possible to use templates to express questions like “Does a Key<Storable> match a Key<SkyWcs>?”, storing mixed Key types would require removing the compile-time information that enables such comparisons. Adding run-time type information to Key would solve the information loss problem, but C++’s support for RTTI is very limited, and the standard API only allows tests for exact type equality.

The solution we adopted is to no longer store type information – as a Key object or in any other form – in a GenericMap. All queries internally pass the stored value through dynamic casting, which accesses RTTI in an implementation-dependent way that does account for subclasses. This approach solves all the original design issues, at the cost of making GenericMap no longer strictly type-safe (and much slower):

  1. Queries for an object of the wrong type are blocked at the casting step.
  2. __getitem__ can retrieve any Storable by considering only Key<Storable> and Key<shared_ptr<Storable>>.
  3. The protected API is greatly simplified because it no longer needs to accommodate a variety of Key classes.

In practice, the desire for type-unsafe storage was handled by making all protected methods work in terms of untyped keys and boost::variant values. Passing by variant provides a convenient way to express, in code, which values are supported by GenericMap without committing subclasses to any particular storage mechanism. Unfortunately, boost::variant handles implicitly convertible types very poorly (in particular, it gets confused when expected to convert numeric types, and cannot distinguish between const and non-const versions of the same type). This internal detail has consequences for the public API: GenericMap does not currently support const values for any type except shared_ptr<Storable>, and operations involving primitive types must match them exactly. We hope to lift these restrictions once we can migrate to std::variant in C++17.

After the nature of GenericMap’s type handling, the largest remaining problem was how to handle shared pointers, which are used extensively by ExposureInfo. In keeping with C++ idioms, and in order to correctly handle polymorphism of Storable, GenericMap returns most values by reference. However, because the implementation holds pointers as shared_ptr<Storable> yet must return them as pointers of the correct type, its accessors create a new pointer of the desired type, which cannot be returned by reference.

We chose to return smart pointers alone by value, though the inconsistency with other value types makes it much harder to write type-agnostic code against GenericMap. The alternatives were to return everything by value, which would make it impossible to support non-smart-pointer storage of Storable, or to always return shared pointers as shared_ptr<Storable>, which would force users to perform unsafe casts in their code.

It is not practical to design an idiomatic C++ API for iterating over a GenericMap. Instead, we developed a system similar to the visitors used by boost::variant and std::variant, where the user represents the body of the loop by a callable object that accepts values of any supported type. In practice the callables are usually private classes with templates or overloaded methods, but in rare cases a generic lambda can be used as well. This approach involves considerable boilerplate, but is more natural to users than an API written in terms of variant or some kind of iterator-like proxy.

3.3.2   Python

In Python, GenericMap follows the Mapping API almost exactly, aside from the need for homogeneous keys and the specific set of value types imposed by the C++ implementation. Operations that would violate these constraints raise TypeError. As in C++, LSST-specific types can only be stored in a GenericMap if they inherit from Storable. However, these types need not be implemented in C++; Storable is designed to be subclassed by Python types as well (see 4   The Design of Storable).

In C++, GenericMap is a class template parametrized by the key type. Each specialization has its own pybind11 wrapper, but these wrappers are hidden by an lsst.utils.TemplateMeta facade. Attempts to construct a GenericMap in Python will infer the key type from any input data, so most users need not specify a key type explicitly.

Since the compile-time type safety provided by lsst::afw::typehandling::Key is irrelevant in Python, Key does not have a pybind11 wrapper. Instead, all GenericMap methods take the underlying key type (e.g., a string instead of Key<string>), and the pybind11 code expresses the operations in terms of Key-based equivalents.

4   The Design of Storable

4.1   Rationale

As noted in 3   The Design of GenericMap, we were unable to develop a design for lsst.afw.typehandling.GenericMap that could accept objects of any type. We introduced the lsst.afw.typehandling.Storable interface to let GenericMap interact with LSST-specific types. Any user-defined class must inherit from Storable to be stored in a GenericMap or ExposureInfo.

To make it easier to work with Storable objects in C++, the interface declares several optional methods that provide common operations like equality comparison. These methods add some clutter to implementation classes that don’t define them, but make it possible to persist Storable objects and perform generic object manipulation without the need for unsafe casting in user code.

4.2   Design Goals

We designed Storable to meet the following goals:

  • support subclasses written in either C++ or Python
  • support persistence
  • support the smallest reasonable subset of generic operations, chosen to be equality comparison, hashing, copying, and string representation
  • do not conflict with existing APIs of classes that may be retrofitted with Storable

4.3   The Storable API

lsst.afw.typehandling.Storable is a subclass of lsst::afw::table::io::Persistable, though it does not require that persistence be implemented. This relationship ensures that lsst.afw.image.ExposureInfo can persist Storable objects using the same mechanism as most of its original members.

lsst.afw.typehandling.Storable provides methods equals, hash_value, cloneStorable, and toString to allow comparisons, hashing, copying, and printing in C++. equals defaults to object identity comparisons, while the others throw an exception by default. The method names, including the underscore in hash_value, were chosen to avoid collisions with existing APIs (e.g., a clone method that returns a smart pointer to a more specific type than Storable). We preferred this approach over a more elaborate delegation system, such as that used in the AST library and many table::io classes, because the latter approach requires that authors remember to write a new method for each subclass, no matter how remotely descended from the base.

Storable can be inherited from by Python classes, which should override the appropriate Python methods (e.g., __repr__ instead of toString). The inheritance is handled using the pybind11 API for Python inheritance, including a “trampoline” helper class. While the helper class has hooks for all of Storable’s C++ methods, Storable’s pybind11 wrapper does not include them to keep the Python API from being cluttered by default implementations. In practice, C++ classes that implement these operations declare them in their own Python wrappers anyway.

5   The Design of ExposureInfo

5.1   Rationale

lsst.afw.image.ExposureInfo is one of the most fundamental classes in the LSST Science Pipelines, and any breaking changes to it can have far-reaching effects. We will almost certainly need to break ExposureInfo when adopting a new persistence framework, as the framework is built into both the API and the persisted form. Therefore, we avoided introducing breaking changes in the conversion to a map-based implementation, to keep users from having to change their code or data twice.

5.2   Design Goals

We implemented our changes to ExposureInfo based on the following goals:

  • do not change the behavior of any existing method on ExposureInfo, particularly component retrieval methods like getSkyWcs().
  • keep the new code compatible with the previous Exposure file format
  • keep the Exposure file format readable by old science pipelines code. In practice, this means that components stored in “archives” can be rearranged and new header keywords can be added, but no other changes are possible.
  • minimize the number of new API elements added to allow operations on unknown components

5.3   ExposureInfo Code Changes

lsst.afw.image.ExposureInfo now contains a map that stores the ExposureInfo components. This map is not exposed to client code. However, the C++ API for inserting and removing components does take a lsst::afw::typehandling::Key, as there is no better way to make these methods type-safe. In Python, as for lsst.afw.typehandling.GenericMap, the key arguments are simple strings.

In the original conversion, ExposureInfo stored its components in a MutableGenericMap<string>. The need for backwards-compatibility in ExposureInfo, and the intersection of type requirements imposed by and GenericMap, meant that all generic components had to be stored as shared pointer to const Storable (see 5.3.1   Constraints Imposed by the Use of GenericMap). When it became clear that GenericMap will be a brittle class until at least C++17, we replaced the MutableGenericMap with a private class, StorableMap, that only holds shared pointers to Storable but still checks for the appropriate subclass. This change makes ExposureInfo much easier to maintain, at the cost of being unable to incorporate a broader range of types in the future.

All but three of ExposureInfo’s traditional components have been migrated to map-based storage. The three exceptions are:

  • the image metadata are stored in a lsst.daf.base.PropertySet, which cannot inherit from Storable because it’s in a dependency of lsst.afw.
  • the visit info is stored inside the metadata rather than as a separate component, so it must continue to be written there for backward compatibility. We chose not to duplicate it (storing both as metadata and as a Storable) for simplicity.
  • the filter is stored inside the metadata, like the visit info. In addition, ExposureInfo’s filter-related methods pass and return a filter object, not a shared pointer, so we cannot migrate it without either changing the existing API to use shared pointers or introducing inconsistencies between, for example, the return types of getFilter() and getComponent().

5.3.1   Constraints Imposed by the Use of GenericMap

While GenericMap can store both Storables and shared pointers to Storable, it cannot preserve this distinction after persistence – the framework always depersists objects as shared pointers to Persistable, so the information on whether an element was originally retrievable by reference or by shared pointer is lost. To avoid inconsistencies in saving and restoring Exposures, we required that generic components in ExposureInfo be pointers to Storable until we could change to a more flexible persistence framework.

The original access methods for the migrated components were very inconsistent in their use of const, with the majority using shared_ptr<T const>, some using shared_ptr<T>, and some using const inconsistently between input and output. Since:

  • GenericMap cannot support both shared pointers to const and shared pointers to non-const before C++17,
  • keeping the existing mixture would require lots of (potentially unsafe) casts both in ExposureInfo and in client code,
  • changing the inputs to non-const would likely break client code, and
  • changing the outputs to const would be relatively safe,

we chose to standardize both inputs and outputs to const, and to modify GenericMap to hold shared pointers to const instead of pointers to non-const. Standardizing output to const was a breaking change to the C++ interfaces for getPsf() and getCoaddInputs(). However, as there was no C++ code in Science Pipelines that stored the results as pointer to non-const, the change caused no problems to our knowledge.

5.4   ExposureInfo Persistence Changes

The lsst.afw.image.Exposure persistence format stores ExposureInfo components in binary “archives” in FITS extensions, with the extension number stored in the header using keys like SKYWCS_ID. Generic components generalize this format by creating a header key from the component’s key string (e.g., MYCOMPONENT_ID). The extensions containing generic components are not guaranteed to be arranged in any particular order, but neither the original nor the generalized formats depend on ordering.

The above conventions, combined with the need for backwards compatibility, imply that components that have been migrated to generic storage must have a component key that matches the original header key (e.g., SKYWCS for WCS information). The awkward names add some inconvenience to ExposureInfo clients, but an alternative would need to both generate an independent FITS header key in a backward-compatible way and store the component key inside the archive in a backward-compatible way. Basing the FITS header key on the component key was deemed a less error-prone solution.

While the FITS header keys listing the extensions could previously be hard-coded into ExposureInfo’s depersistence code, the depersistence code for generic components must search the header for keys of the expected format. Queries for [arbitrary string]_ID are vulnerable to false positives from header keys like VISIT_ID or CCD_ID; if associated values are small integers, then there is no way to distinguish such keys from real archive IDs.

We therefore added a second convention for archive IDs, of the form ARCHIVE_ID_[component]. Old components are depersisted using the *_ID syntax, to retain compatibility with old files, while new ones are depersisted using ARCHIVE_ID_*. The new code strips both sets of header keywords when they are detected; new files read using old code may have leftover ARCHIVE_ID_ keywords.

6   Alternative Persistence Frameworks

6.1   Rationale

Despite recent improvements to lsst.afw.image.ExposureInfo, our ability to attach data to an Exposure is limited by the persistence framework. We still have circular dependencies within afw, we still need persistable objects to be written in C++, and we still need to work around the non-optimal nature of itself. To go further, we need to replace with a well-maintained package that, unlike afw.table, was designed for persistence.

6.2   Adoption Constraints

We are looking for a persistence framework that meets many of the following criteria:

  • it should have a GPL3-compatible license.
  • it should allow persistence of both C++ and Python objects.
  • it should allow persistence to multiple formats, including FITS, JSON, and YAML. Compatibility with JSON and YAML requires a framework that can represent objects as key-value pairs.
  • it should allow versioning of persistence formats.
  • it should allow depersistence of old files written with the framework.
  • it should allow efficient storage of arrays, particularly images, but not necessarily in formats other than FITS.
  • it should correctly depersist polymorphic types that are stored in C++ by their base class (e.g., lsst.afw.detection.Psf), reproducing their exact type (e.g., lsst.meas.algorithms.ImagePsf).
  • it should be able to read in part of a persisted object, such as only the WCS from a persisted Exposure.
  • it should be able to store relationships between objects that refer to each other. This would allow us to separately store composite objects and their components, such as the individual PSFs used to create a lsst.meas.algorithms.CoaddPsf, simplifying provenance tracking.
  • it should persist files in a human-readable form, where practical, as a debugging aid.

We do not have any expectation that we should be able to easily change persistence frameworks in the future.

6.3   Option: Avro

Avro is a table-like persistence library provided by Apache. It defines persistence formats in terms of schemas, which may be composed (e.g., the user can declare that a lsst.geom.Box2I is stored as a pair of lsst.geom.Point2I, as long as there is a persisted form for Point2I). In C++, the schemas are typically compiled into proxy classes, whose data are then accessed using object member syntax. In Python, no code generation is required, and data are represented using dict-like objects. Avro uses a schema definition language based on JSON, but as the notation is similar in spirit to lsst.pipe.base.PipelineTaskConnections, it should not be a major conceptual burden on LSST developers.

Because of its record-based approach, Avro is best-suited for bulk data: one could store a Catalog very naturally using Avro, but a free compound object like an Exposure would have some overhead (essentially, its persisted form would be a collection of one-row tables).

Avro meets many, but not all, of our criteria:

  • it uses the Apache 2.0 license.
  • it has built-in support for both C++ and Python, although the Python API is much better.
  • it has built-in support for JSON, as well as a proprietary format. We can, in principle, support additional formats using stream I/O, but the interfaces do not appear to have been designed for third-party implementations.
  • it supports schema versioning.
  • it may be possible to depersist files by treating it as a custom format.
  • it natively supports arrays of arbitrary type, including numeric primitives.
  • it does not natively handle polymorphism, though we could emulate it by storing an explicit class name (much like does). Avro makes heavy use of dynamic typing on depersistence, so differences in the persisted form among related classes are not a problem.
  • its tables are row-oriented, so it does not have any special ability to partially read objects.
  • it does not natively store object references, though we could emulate them by introducing a unique object ID data type.
  • in Python, the persisted form is a dict from field names to field values, which is reasonably human-readable.

6.4   Option: cereal

cereal is a C++ persistence library provided by the University of Southern California. It’s similar in style to Boost Serialization, but more lightweight. References to objects are passed to a cereal::InputArchive or cereal::OutputArchive object, which calls user-defined methods or functions to handle non-built-in types (these methods usually call the archive recursively).

cereal was not designed for long-term storage, and makes no guarantee that a later version of the library will correctly load a file written by an earlier version. We can work around this limitation by locking the Stack’s version of cereal.

cereal meets many, but not all, of our criteria:

  • it uses the 3-clause BSD license.
  • it does not support languages other than C++. It probably cannot handle pure-Python classes (it needs C++ functions or methods to define the persisted form), but it might be able to handle Python subclasses of a C++ interface like lsst.afw.typehandling.Storable.
  • it explicitly supports subclassing the archive classes, including specializing them for new output formats.
  • it supports class versioning, using a system similar to that currently used for ExposureInfo.
  • it is possible to depersist files by treating it as a custom format.
  • it supports raw binary output for individual fields, which can be used to efficiently store arrays.
  • it supports polymorphism, but requires explicit registration of all subclasses. The registration code for a particular class must be aware of all possible archive implementations, making it difficult to add new file formats.
  • it supports “out of order loading” of sub-objects in specific archive implementations, including the built-in JSON archive.
  • it can self-consistently track object relationships, but requires that all objects (such as a lsst.meas.algorithms.CoaddPsf and its constituents) be in the same archive. It cannot be used to store such objects in separate files, though we could emulate such functionality by introducing a unique object ID to the persisted form.
  • it supports human-readable key-value pairs, as well as a “simplified” output format for human-readability.

6.5   Option: FlatBuffer

FlatBuffer is a struct-like persistence library provided by Google. It defines persistence formats in terms of schemas, which may be composed (e.g., the user can declare that a lsst.geom.Box2I is stored as a pair of lsst.geom.Point2I, as long as there is a persisted form for Point2I). The schemas are compiled into proxy classes (in both C++ and Python), whose data are then accessed using object member syntax. FlatBuffer uses a custom schema definition language, but as the notation is similar in spirit to lsst.pipe.base.PipelineTaskConnections, it should not be a major conceptual burden on LSST developers.

Because the persisted form of each persistable type is represented by a different class, it may be difficult to write generic code against persistables. However, FlatBuffer does provide a reflection API for working with generic persisted forms.

FlatBuffer meets some of our criteria:

  • it uses the Apache 2.0 license.
  • it has built-in support for both C++ and Python, although Python features are very limited. The C++ API is also cleaner, particularly with vector types.
  • it only natively supports a proprietary file format (though it allows import from JSON). In C++, it may be possible to use reflection to support other formats.
  • it supports schema versioning.
  • it probably cannot depersist old files, as FlatBuffer makes strict demands on persistence formats in the interest of efficiency.
  • it natively supports arrays of primitive type.
  • it does not natively handle polymorphism, though we could emulate it by storing an explicit class name (much like does) and using the FlexBuffers feature to avoid knowing the schema a priori.
  • it supports streaming input of large files, at least in C++, but does not support reading only a predetermined part of an object. However, it does depersist at close to disk-limited speed, so partial reads may be less performance-critical.
  • it has native support for object relationships, even among different persisted files.
  • its persisted form is highly efficient, and therefore not human-readable.

6.6   Recommendations

We do not yet recommend any of these frameworks as a replacement for, and are continuing our research into alternatives.